For two decades, PARTICIPANT INC has maintained an alternative space for art, community, and collective transformation in downtown New York City. As a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization, PARTICIPANT ensures your 100% tax-deductible contribution of any amount will sustain the depth of care we offer artists and audiences through our multidisciplinary exhibitions, performances, and screenings, all of which are free to the public.
Or make your contribution by mail:
Attn: Lia Gangitano
116 Elizabeth Street, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10013
PARTICIPANT INC is defined by the often decades-long relationships we hold with artists and communities, an institutional commitment that is increasingly rare in New York City. We are devoted to artists and communities, an institutional commitment that is increasingly rare in New York City. We are devoted to artists whose art we believe demands an afterlife. Become a Participant to join and sustain this community with a recurring 100% tax-deductible monthly contribution:
Faris Al-Shathir
David Aronowitz
Cory Arcangel
Charles Atlas
Vincent Baker
Andrew Blackley
Lauren Cornell
Gavin Downie
Peter Eleey
Michael Fox
Malik Gaines
Evan Garza
Neil Goldberg
Sam Gordon
Lyle Ashton Harris
Em Hedditch
Patrice Helmar
Barry Hoggard & James Wagner
Eungie Joo
Andrew Kachel
Matt Keegan
Baseera Khan
Zoe Leonard
Ru Marshall
Park McArthur
Eileen Myles
Sheila Pepe & Carrie Moyer
Barbara Pollack
Jacob Robichaux
Andrea Rosen
David Ross
Peter Russo
Nelson Santos
Seagull Hair Salon
Kate Shepherd
Lisa Sigal
A.L. Steiner
Sur Rodney (Sur)
Benjamin Tischer
Julie Tolentino
Kirsten Weiss
Matt Wolf
Sarah Workneh
With gratitude for their support during our first two decades, the FRIENDS of PARTICIPANT are now an integral part of our identity.
The FRIENDS of PARTICIPANT offer our staff, Board, and collaborating artists the confidence necessary to amend history, construct alternative worlds, and reanimate legacies. This special group also provides a vital link between PARTICIPANT and the local, national, and international arts community, creating important opportunities and contributing essential revenue. As a small and uniquely social organization, our community is also our future.
FRIENDS of PARTICIPANT receive these and other benefits:
Invitation to an annual gathering to preview our upcoming projects;
Invitation to night viewings, special after-hours exhibition tours;
Priority for PARTICIPANT benefits and other special events;
Priority for limited editions created by artists to support PARTICIPANT;
Recognition on our website.
Support at all levels is 100% tax-deductible.
$10,000 - $100,000+
Future fundJacqueline Humphries
Josh Smith
$5,000 - $9,999
Cecily Brown
Mark Cantor
Renée Green & Javier Anguera
Dusty Hollensteiner
Glenn Ligon
$2,500 - $4,999
Shelley Fox Aarons & Philip Aarons
Yona Backer
Jill Casid
Wade Guyton
Sikkema Jenkins & Co
Amelia Jones
Cady Noland
Liutauras Matulionis
van Hook
Publicide, Inc.
Wolfgang Tillmans
$1,000 - $2,499
Adams and Ollman
Julie Ault
Asya & Ted Berger
Dillon Cohen & Katie Holten
Tom Cole
Matt Connors
Shaun Cottle-Spatari
James Dart
Moyra Davey & Jason Simon
Nicole Eisenman
Johanna Fateman
Michael Fox
Carol Greene
Ronald Gregg
Ronald & Amy Guttman
Jane Hait
Michelle Handelman
Stephen Hepworth
Jim Hodges
Pierre Huyghe
David Joselit & Steve Incontro
Corina Larkin
Rachel Lowther
Virgil Marti
& Peter Barberie
Nick Mauss
Sophie Morner
Frederick Moten
Jessica Oralkan
Meg & Rachel Siegel
Paul & Lauryn Siegel
Chelsea and Pascal Spengemann